Event Information

Access Event Recording

Event attendees have access to all the recorded conference content on the Performedia virtual platform. As an attendee of the 2022 Conference, you can review keynote and general sessions as well as all the breakout sessions held over the course of the multiday event. You will need your unique login sent via email by Performedia. If you have questions, reach out to contact@civitasforhealth.org.

Sponsor Prospectus

Thank you to all of our sponsors for your generous support!

Our sponsors make this hybrid event possible.

Sponsorship opportunities for the 2022 conference are no longer available. To view what opportunities were available, check out the prospectus. We hope you will consider supporting the Annual Conference in 2023!

View Prospectus

Event Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Wifi Sponsorship

Coffee Station Sponsor

Breakout Session Sponsor

Breakout Session Sponsorship

Breakout Session Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

Daily Break Sponsor

Daily Break Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

Breakfast Sponsor

Charging Station Sponsor

Gamification Sponsor

Host Committee Organizations

Silver Sponsors

HISP Showcase Sponsor