Civitas Speaking Engagement – 1st Annual Alaska Health Information Exchange Summit

Lisa Bari, founding CEO of Civitas Networks for Health, will be sharing her perspectives on how health data exchange and use is driving collaboration and innovation nationally as the keynote speaker for this event.  

HealtheConnect, in collaboration with the State of Alaska Department of Health, is pleased to announce the 1st Annual Alaska Health Information Summit, "Healthy Alaskans through interoperability, collaboration, and innovation". Come spend the day with us and discover how colleagues in the community are innovatively and collaboratively using technology paired with coordinated programs and services to improve the quality of care and healthy outcomes for Alaskans.

Member Event/Member Discount: WEDI 3rd Annual Health Equity Spotlight; Building Upon Data and Innovation to Drive Equity

Civitas Members are eligible for an exclusive discount code to attend this event. Please email for further details.

WEDI will be hosting its 3rd annual event where they will be showcasing how leveraging data and innovation can make significant improvements to health equity.

AcademyHealth 2023 Health Datapalooza

The 2023 Health Datapalooza will once again bring together attendees from across the health care landscape to discuss the future of health data and the policies and innovations that will spark real transformation in health care.   

CDC-ONC Industry Days

As a part of the newly created CDC Foundation President’s Council, the CDC Foundation will convene the first joint CDC and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Industry Information and Collaboration Day on February 27-28, 2023.